Sep 11, 2010

Bridie's Birthday!

Hooray! Bridie is one year old!! We had a nice party today in celebration, and I had way too much pizza/cake/sweet things. Bridie had a good time and looked SO STINKIN CUTE in her party dress! Here are some pictures... and an extra special video after the pictures. Liv and I recorded a song for Bridie. All of it was made up as we went along, my lines aren't that interesting, but Liv's are really impressive. It's a long vid so maybe skip over the first half.

Isn't that dress adorable??


PS: I have resolved to go check out the Blue Mountains and Jenolan Caves. I asked Ashleigh a YSA in my ward, and she would like to make a long weekend out of it so we could go! I hope it works out, the mountains and caves seem AMAZING! And I have nationals for ultimate in October, and a few YSAs might drive down with me and watch and cheer us on, so that will be a fun roadtrip. And there is also a possibilty (the same group of us) may drive up to Brisbane. That'd be awesome too! I'm excited to get to see things finally, I'm realizing that there's so much that I want to do while I'm still here, and I shouldn't take advantage of the opportunity. Also, with my family (I call them my family, the Thomas family...) we're possibly going to go to "Amazement" which is a place with a bunch of mazes in hedges and things. Also we might try to do tree top adventures with ropes course type things. Should be fun. Well it's really late, I should be in bed, Stake Conference tomorrow!
Which reminds me!! I got a calling!
Young Women's Secretary!! :D I couldn't have asked for a better calling, I am soo so excited! yay!

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