Sep 14, 2010


I was stumbling and found a list of phobias. Here are some of mine along with some funny ones.
Christine's Fears:
Automysophobia - Fear of being dirty.
Cacophobia - Fear of ugliness. Hehehe just kidding... maybe, ugliness is quite scary for me.
Entomophobia - Fear of insects. Most definitely scared of insects! Especially after that tick!
Anuptaphobia - Fear of staying single. Just kidding.... maybe...

Tori's Fears:
Athazagoraphobia - Fear of being forgotten ignored or forgetting.
Coulrophobia - Fear of clowns...Okay let's be honest, who isn't?
Monophobia - Fear of solitude or being alone.
Testophobia - Fear of taking tests...ha ha this one is so true!

Ariel's Fears:
Gephyrophobia, - Fear of crossing bridges 
Haha Ariel probably has other ones too but she's never really on here, and I know from experience that she hates crossing bridges.

Arrhenphobia - Fear of men
Apeirophobia - Fear of infinity
Bibliophobia - Fear of books. Hahaha bibliophobia...
Dishabiliophobia - Fear of undressing in front of someone.
Japanophobia - Fear of Japanese.
Judeophobia - Fear of Jews.
Ephebiphobia - Fear of teenagers. Haha
Logophobia - Fear of words. Just think that one is ironic... such a long word...
Sesquipedalophobia - Fear of long words. HAHA! That one's even longer! So ironic
Peladophobia - Fear of bald people.
Pteronophobia - Fear of being tickled by feathers.
Xanthophobia - Fear of the color yellow or the word yellow.....Haha! "No PLEASE! Anything but yellow! AHHHH!!!!"
Zemmiphobia - Fear of the great mole rat....Totally makes me think of Kim Possible!

Sep 11, 2010

1 Apostle+ Two Seventies= AMAZING Fireside

Tonight 16 Stakes of YSA's in the Eugene, OR area (pretty much anywhere in the state) gathered to listen to Elder Bednar speak. He came with two members of the seventy, Elder Ringwood, and Elder Malm. I got there early enough that I could sit up front, and lucky me, I honestly think that I had the best seat even though I was in a side bench, occasionally they each looked me straight in the eye when they spoke and it made it feel like they were really talking to me. It was such a spiritual night. When Elder Bednar first walked into the chapel everyone stood and for the first time since I had been sitting there the entire chapel was silent. It was awesome.
Elder Ringwood was the first to speak to us, he said that when he entered the room he had an experience, that we had reminded him of a scripture that says, "the foundation of God standeth sure". Instantly you could feel the spirit and already I was trying not cry. He only spoke for maybe 5 minutes bearing his testimony.
Then Elder Malm stood and also spoke to us for only 5 minutes bearing his testimony. He had such a genuine smile that you just knew it was because he could feel the spirit. He also has a Swedish accent so it was really fun to hear him speak.
By now only 15 min of the two hour allotted time had gone by, so I figured that Elder Bednar must be speaking to us for the rest. When he stood, all I could think was "this is amazing, this is amazing!" First he bore his testimony, it was such a blessing to be in the presence of an Apostle, the truthfulness of this gospel was just overwhelming my heart and I couldn't stop smiling for most of the fireside.
But it was really interesting when Elder Bednar finished his testimony he told us that this fireside would probably be different from any other church meeting we had ever attended. He told us that we would do a question and answer type of session. They had a couple microphones spread out across the chapel and gym and they let us ask questions. (not silly questions like "Just how far is Kolob?" he said he didn't know or care haha he's actually really really funny and had everyone laughing multiple times and said "It's called the plan of Happiness, so we should take advantage of it.") But he wanted really sincere questions. It was so neat because Elder Bednar would direct and usually answer part of the question and then call upon Elder Ringwood and/or Elder Malm and have them answer it too. The best part was because they couldn't possibly know what we were going to ask them, all the answers they gave us were led by the spirit. I can't even remember everything they taught us, all I know is that with everything they were saying, in my heart all I was feeling was 'this is true'.
At the very end Elder Brinkerhoff(our area seventy), Elder Malm, Elder Ringwood, and Elder Bednar all bore there testimonies. Even though they had already given them a few times through out the meeting, the ones they left us with were even more spiritual and watching them bear witness with tears running down there faces was an experience I will never forget. After the meeting I had the opportunity to shake all of there hands. I knew that I was in the presence of great men.
It was one of the most spiritually amazing nights that I have ever had. I love this Gospel, it just makes so much sense.

Bridie's Birthday!

Hooray! Bridie is one year old!! We had a nice party today in celebration, and I had way too much pizza/cake/sweet things. Bridie had a good time and looked SO STINKIN CUTE in her party dress! Here are some pictures... and an extra special video after the pictures. Liv and I recorded a song for Bridie. All of it was made up as we went along, my lines aren't that interesting, but Liv's are really impressive. It's a long vid so maybe skip over the first half.

Isn't that dress adorable??


PS: I have resolved to go check out the Blue Mountains and Jenolan Caves. I asked Ashleigh a YSA in my ward, and she would like to make a long weekend out of it so we could go! I hope it works out, the mountains and caves seem AMAZING! And I have nationals for ultimate in October, and a few YSAs might drive down with me and watch and cheer us on, so that will be a fun roadtrip. And there is also a possibilty (the same group of us) may drive up to Brisbane. That'd be awesome too! I'm excited to get to see things finally, I'm realizing that there's so much that I want to do while I'm still here, and I shouldn't take advantage of the opportunity. Also, with my family (I call them my family, the Thomas family...) we're possibly going to go to "Amazement" which is a place with a bunch of mazes in hedges and things. Also we might try to do tree top adventures with ropes course type things. Should be fun. Well it's really late, I should be in bed, Stake Conference tomorrow!
Which reminds me!! I got a calling!
Young Women's Secretary!! :D I couldn't have asked for a better calling, I am soo so excited! yay!

Sep 9, 2010

Harry Potter Legs

A random post so Christine won't feel like she's hogging the blog:

Last night I was sitting holding my neighbors baby, when my little cousin Braedyn(3) comes in and sits next to me. She loves to stroke baby Anders hair because it is so soft. When she went to put her arm down she bumped my leg. Feeling the tiny hairs, she started rubbing my leg. And this is how the conversation went...
Tori- "Sorry, my legs are hairy. I need to shave."
Braedyn-"Your legs are hairy?"
Continues to feel my leg
Braedyn- "Like Harry Potter?"

Hahaha!!! At that moment I almost felt epic with my unshaved legs.

Hakuna Matata!
