Temple Square, Saturday April 3rd. We went up to SLC after the second session of Conference and happened to be there right before the Priesthood session started. Because of this, there were hotties all around us. We were very much enjoying that. Also!! We were walking, and I was trying to take sneaky pics of the hotties and Tori and the guy who plays Mark in the movie Charly totally made full on eye contact! I saw him too, but barely before he walked into a building that we couldn't go in. It was crazy! And he looks exactly the same in real life! Awesome!! Anyways, these are some of our fun pics from the day. And sorry that they're out of order :) Some are from Friday as well.

Crazy Karate kick! Very appropriate in front of the temple... okay maybe not. :D hehe

weee!! Marry me! hahaha. We had fun taking jumping pics... and I'm pretty sure people must have thought we were crazy. hehehe

It's like in All About Steve when she says "We can have cute little people on our wedding cake posing like this"... that's what we were going for.

Then I had Taylor Lautner stand in for me, cause he happened to be walking right by. :)

This is on Friday at University mall, we got to do some shopping :))
We went jeans shopping at DI! It was a jackpot, for real! We both got a pair of super cheap jeans!
Our friend Ben makes puppets apparently and is freaking amazing at it!
Sorry these pics are kind of (really) out of order. My bad. We were trying to sneak pictures of all the hotties in Temple Square. We happened to be there right before the Priesthood Session.